So I’m gonna write a book…

News Flash:

It’s true! I’m writing a book! Now you might be wondering what set me off on this most audacious journey. The answer is actually pretty simple.

From the moment I could wonder I’ve been writing. Writing has always been a passion of mine! Between the poems, stories, and assignments I used to stack up quite a word count. Now my writing has taken more of a backseat to my career, rising my children and building my businesses. …But without the writing there’s always a little nagging feeling like I’m missing out on something. All the Reels in the world count bring about the joy I get from writing.

So, last week after realizing I am holding back a lot of the parts of myself that would probably touch people the most. Obviously I hold back the reach out an smacked part of me, but I also hold back a lot of my opinions, ideas, and advice due to the nature of my environment. I’ve decided that after 19 years in this job, it’s about time I give more to myself and thus Audacious Me was born, and my journey to write my book started officially being recorded.

Why a Book?

Well I’ve got a lot to say! Honestly, I know that I am meant to do great things. I’ve felt the intense rush of speaking on stage, the pumped up feeling of teaching classes and workshops and creating digital products. Believe it or not, a book is one singular way where I can accomplish all of those things again!

So the journey is set. I’m moving forward and documenting the process of writing my book. The good, the bad and the ugly, all in REAL TIME.

That means this won’t be pretty, it won’t always be coherent, but it will be authentically me raw and uncut. That’s right, I’m going to have the AUDACITY to claim it, and work on it in front of you!

What can you expect?

Well I will pop in weekly with a recap, I will give you story updates on my Facebook and Instagram, maybe even my TikTok Too. I will also pop in to announce and celebrate milestones with you! You don’t have to do anything but sit back and watch!I will create a Story Highlight on my Instagram that will allow you to follow all the book related content and I will post on socials whenever I update the blog. So, let’s begin the journey!

Week 1 Recap:

This week I honed in on my knowledge superpowers, those topics that I could sit and talk about or write about all day. These are the topics people ask me questions about, seek my advice in and places where I truly excel. Those areas are Time, Organization, and Mindset. So it’s only right that the book that I write is on a topic I’m familiar with. Although I do plan to write a fiction book in the future.

So with my areas of expertise locked in I sat down and brainstormed ideas to which I am a thought leader and other concepts where I have a method all my own. I got a few ideas on the paper and have honed in on two to further develop. During this process I actually hashed out two book ideas!

But rule number 1 of book writing is apparently only write one at a time! So I have decided which idea to bring out first, and the second will become “book 2”. Once I came up with the idea I took some tips from Jake Kelfer’s book “Big Idea to Best Seller” and started what he calls the Avenger’s process to outline my book.

This was a pretty intense process as I have to pull a lot of ideas to the forefront of my mind to jot down for use later. It was pretty interesting thinking of all the related stories I could tell to drive home the point I know I would want to make in the book. Once I finished this process I pulled my outline together so I had a template to start working from.

My Biggest Challenge

Now that the outline is done it seems every version of imposter syndrome is trying to sneak up on me. It’s always interesting to me how coaches and professionals go through the same mindset journeys they lead their clients through. Watching myself doubt a skill I know I have and being able to actively call it imposter syndrome is such a surreal experience for me.

I’ll tell you what though. Being able to name it certainly makes it easier to deal with for me. Because I know what it is, I can actively work against its effects. Imposter Syndrome makes you feel like you don’t belong, like you aren’t the subject matter expert or don’t have a right to be speaking on the topic you are. It’s your brains way of making you smaller and what it thinks “safer” is. Because when it comes to our brain, anything out of our normal is considered dangerous and our dramatic little brains automatically equate it to a near death experience.

For me, this imposter syndrome is pretty silly because I know what I’m talking about on this topic. I’ve helped plenty of people improve in the area and coach people on it regularly yet, I still think to myself “Who do you think you are, to write this book”. Well luckily, I found an answer to that question! I am Me! In all my audacity and in all my boldness. I’m going to go forward and write the book only I can write because I’m called to do so.

So for all of you following this journey, I will be giving you the real behind every emotion it takes to get this best seller out of my head and into your hands! And it is with all of my audacity that I write this to you today.