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Time Coach

Who’s the Multifaceted Entrepreneur who was looking for a Time Coach?

Toni Ringgold was looking for Time Coaching.

Toni’s Creative Empire

T.Ringgold Academy of Arts

An Artistic Academy which focuses on training clients in vocal training, piano or guitar lessons as well as acting and public speaking .

Space Create Interactive Studios

A space for creative entrepreneurs to co-work and create using their varying talents, it houses a recording studio, podcasting rooms, conference room and other spaces for creativity.

Space Create Academy

An innovative and empowering after school program focused on nurturing the creative talents of the youth.

Why was this charismatic creative looking for a time coach?

With the weight of an ever expanding empire on her shoulders, Toni found herself in a time deficit. With conflicting priorities and a never ending task list. She often found herself feeling anxious with her world around her in disarray. This resulted in numerous missed deadlines and feeling like life was in control. 

Upon hearing about me for the third time from yet another mutual friend Toni finally decided to reach out for a consultation. On our call we bonded over our maternal responsibilities, delighted in the accomplishments of our children and knew that we would be a match made in coaching heaven. 

How did I support Toni as her Time Coach?

After my consultation with Toni she actually went into my 90-day Intensive package. In this package the first thing I do is get a full briefing on the business at hand. After hearing about all of the hats Toni was wearing throughout the day and all of the tasks she was attempting to manage alone or with little assistance I knew the first thing we’d need to adjust was her schedule. 

We took the process slow and I personally walked her through my C.E.O. Schedule training. We started at the very beginning of the program and I looked to help her understand what she was currently doing in her schedule. After a week-long time-audit, we scheduled a full session where we spoke only on what was important to her as a wife, mom, business owner and where those different parts of her life stacked up.

After I really understood her values we began to move swiftly through the scheduling process, creating a template and filling in the information and testing out the schedule for one week, then two. Making adjustments and reshaping her days as she got more data.

How did the results stack up?

The C.E.O. Schedule process helped Toni not only see her values, but see when she may not have been placing them as high as she wanted. She was able to break mindset blocks regarding her schedule and truly started to build her schedule to create the best value for herself and her family. 

She carved out time for the things that fill her up throughout the day like working out, prayer and meditation and left room for her boulder items. Starting her day slowly with a focus on her own wellbeing and that of her family has increased her productivity and creativity. She’s now in a place where she can comb through her schedule and make adjustments for last minute items while still living by her values and placing her life and family first. 

Tiffanie Daniel Coaching Time Coach in Central Texas

Now let’s hear from Toni.

I got to talk to Toni about our work together a lot but when asked to tell you in her own words here’s what she said.

How do you feel after receiving this support?

“I am much more confident and in control of my life. I also have more freedom to do the things that I love.”

What would you say to someone who was on the fence about signing up?

“If you aren’t willing to make a change for yourself, don’t waste your time. If you are willing to do the work, sign up today!”

Have your Life/Business improved since working with me?

“ABSOLUTELY, I have a much better grasp on life and balancing my personal and business calendar and routine.”

Overall what would you say about our time together?

“I can honestly say this was a life changing experience. The anxiety of running a small business while still being a wife and mother was extremely daunting, but working with Coach Tiffanie has given me the tools and confidence to take myself and business to the next level.”

Are you looking for help with your time efficiency?

The C.E.O Schedule checklist and template might be just what you’re looking for! If you’re ready to make values driven changes like Toni then join me in the C.E.O. Schedule Training! Wondering which is best for you? Answer the following questions and the answer will become clear 😎.

What’s Your C.E.O. Schedule Style?

1. Your Monday mornings usually start with:

  • a) A mad scramble for coffee while half-listening to a podcast on productivity hacks.  
  • b) A calm meditation session followed by a detailed review of your color-coded calendar.  
  • c) Frantically searching for your missing left shoe while responding to emails on your phone.

2. When it comes to planning your week, you:

  • a) Prefer to wing it. Spontaneity is the spice of life, right?  
  • b) Have everything meticulously planned out down to the last minute, including snack breaks.  
  • c) Have a vague idea of what’s going on and hope for the best. Maybe your cat will remind you of your meetings.

3. Your biggest time management struggle is:

  • a) Saying no to unnecessary commitments and distractions.  
  • b) Finding a balance between work and personal life without feeling guilty.  
  • c) Remembering where you put your to-do list… if you even made one.

4. Your dream productivity tool is:

  • a) A magical app that plans your day and makes your coffee.  
  • b) A beautifully designed planner with stickers, washi tape, and inspiring quotes.  
  • c) A personal assistant who also doubles as a therapist and cheerleader.

5. When you think of a “values-focused organization,” you:

  • a) Feel a warm fuzzy feeling but have no clue how to start.  
  • b) Imagine a harmonious utopia where everyone is zen and high-fiving over their achievements.  
  • c) Wonder if you can just buy one of those at the store, like, can you Amazon Prime that?


Mostly A’s: The Overwhelmed Optimist  

You’re full of great ideas and enthusiasm, but your schedule needs a bit of taming. The CEO Schedule Checklist is perfect for you to start defining your time and focusing on what truly matters.

Mostly B’s: The Master Planner  

You’ve got the planning part down, but sometimes it feels like you’re juggling flaming swords. The CEO Schedule Template will help you streamline your meticulous planning and turn it into actionable productivity.

Mostly C’s: The Chaotic Creative  

Life is an adventure, and so is your calendar! The CEO Schedule Template with its use-case scenarios and hands-free audio version is just what you need to bring some order to your beautiful chaos and give you more free time.

No matter your style, The CEO Schedule is here to transform your time from frazzled to focused.

The CEO Schedule course logo by Tiffanie Daniel

The c.e.o. sCHEDULE

The ultimate resource for entrepreneurs and go-getters who want to define their time and lead a values-focused life. Whether you’re balancing a full-time job, family commitments, or multiple projects, this system is designed to help you prioritize what truly matters.

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